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Everything you said is obvious lie as Chinese themselves were under the rule of foreign Manchu dynasty till 1911. Only in the last period Manchus tried to assimilate themselves into Chinese mainstream, but were not fully accepted (just read about Boxer rebellion and their slogans and derogatory songs).

Tibetans do not owe their civilisation, religion and culture to China in any way, and their country was occupied and their culture, religion and way of life were brutally suppressed since 1950. More astonishing that China still continue to claim some Indian territories like Arunachal Pradesh claiming these lands once belonged to Tibet - no surprise how locals think of such horrible perspective. Sheer hypocrisy, callous and imperialist designs - that's how inhabitants of these Buddhist regions think of Chinese policies.

If some did not know here I am neither Tibetan nor Indian to be biased by origin. I know and can speak about many negative features of Tibetans and Indians and their policies, but these do not overshadow the clear picture of atrocities committed by China in Tibet. In my view you just try to justify unjustifiable.

by FarEasterner on Sat Mar 22nd, 2008 at 07:56:00 AM EST
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