Welcome to European Tribune. It's gone a bit quiet around here these days, but it's still going.
The 19th Century is over and so are its theories about money. There are now many forms of "money" besides paper calls on central banks. In fact even this call means nothing. All the US Federal Reserve promises to do when presented with US currency is to redeem it for more of the same.

The current crisis is because many of the new types of "money" that have been created over the past several decades have become decoupled from any pricing mechanism. The full faith and credit of Bear Stearns turned out not be worth much.

In addition to these new complex financial instruments, "money" gets created when credit cards are used or lines of credit are granted, or even deferred payment incentives are offered on retail purchases - "pay no money until 2009!"

Using old models just doesn't work anymore and there aren't any new ones. In fact most economists seem constitutionally unable to think beyond the rules they learned in Eco 101. Things like supply and demand, elastic vs inelastic demand, fiscal vs monetary policies by governments, etc.

The only new thought that has entered their world in the past several decades concerns externalities. Not that this is actually new, but now they have to acknowledge that it is important enough to factor into economic decision making.

They aren't yet ready to reconsider replacing the continual growth model demanded by capitalism/consumerism. Money is just a side show.

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---- Daily Landscape

by rdf (robert.feinman@gmail.com) on Tue Apr 22nd, 2008 at 03:53:38 PM EST
In addition to these new complex financial instruments, "money" gets created when credit cards are used or lines of credit are granted, or even deferred payment incentives are offered on retail purchases - "pay no money until 2009!"

Indeed -- this is why Hutchinson, Mellor, and Olsen call the money system "debt-based."  Have you read their book?

The current crisis is because many of the new types of "money" that have been created over the past several decades have become decoupled from any pricing mechanism. The full faith and credit of Bear Stearns turned out not be worth much.

As long as nobody was demanding the repayment in US dollars of such debts as were generated by "the full faith and credit of Bear Stearns," it was worth quite a lot.  No?

"Imagine all the people/ Sharing all the world" -- John Lennon

by Cassiodorus on Tue Apr 22nd, 2008 at 05:45:33 PM EST
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Using old models just doesn't work anymore and there aren't any new ones.

The idea of monetising credit other than Bank credit  is not new. The idea of creating a credit "Clearing Union" with an abstract Value Unit is not new either. That is essentially what Keynes proposed at Bretton Woods.

But the creation of fungible Value Units as "quasi Equity" eg redeemable energy units, and redeemable land rental units is,as far as I know, a new concept. It is the consequence of an entirely new, and I believe, optimal "Open" Corporate form which may yet render existing "Corporations" redundant.

Whether or not these Units will be superior to the alternatives remains to be seen.

"The future is already here -- it's just not very evenly distributed" William Gibson

by ChrisCook (cojockathotmaildotcom) on Tue Apr 22nd, 2008 at 06:33:40 PM EST
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