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Really? If you look at successful progressive movements

Did I say I was a "progressive"?

And what's a "successful progressive movement"?  The "progressives" have done rather less than nothing to stop neoliberalism.

Actually rather decentralized.

In the US you have a wealthiest 1% which owns half of all non-home capital assets.  You have Washington DC printing its money and Wall Street trading the Fortune 500's assets.  Globally you have the World Economic Forum, the Trilateral Commission, the Bilderberg Group, the WTO, the IMF/World Bank, a few hundred billionaires which own as much as the bottom half of humanity, and so on.

Sorry, power in the US and in today's world is centralized, far more so than what I'm proposing.

"Imagine all the people/ Sharing all the world" -- John Lennon

by Cassiodorus on Thu Apr 24th, 2008 at 03:35:10 PM EST
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