Welcome to European Tribune. It's gone a bit quiet around here these days, but it's still going.
I'm sorry if I appeared dismissive of your suggestions - that wasn't my intention - although most seemed related to the anglo disease in some way.  I was more trying to provoke others to chip in - but only Chris really did.  I think to qualify as a major theme - an idea has to fulfill a number of conditions:

  1. It must run counter to current conventional thinking in at least some major parts of the world
  2. It must have the potential to create significant change in the world
  3.  ET members must have the capability to do considerable analysis/exposition/propagandising on its behalf

I particularly like your theme on the immorality of for profit health care systems - it seems qualitatively different from the purely finance related ones - and is currently  a hot topic in Ireland.  Some themes might just be a case of acting as a devils advocate and taking a more radical position on something that is already happening - e.g. EU to be carbon neutral by 2050.

Here's my top of the head list based on what I have read here and elsewhere..

  1. Anglo Disease
  2. StopBlair - and the death of Atlanticism
  3. Peak Oil
  4. Peak Credit (Chris Cook)
  5. Peak Land - biofuels are not the answer
  6. Peak population - the current growth in the human footprint on planet earth is unsustainable
  7. Peak wind - what is the maximum contribution that can be expected from wind power to consumption trends?
  8. Transformative political action - converting conflict into positive energy for change
  9. Peak health - which healthcare models maximise the common good
  10. Peak money - when billionaires starve
  11. Cannibal capitalism - when "financial services" parasitise and destroy their host economies
  12. The EU as actor in a Unipolar world order - a counterpoint to the USA?
  13. Restorative Justice: when punishment is counter productive
  14. Transformation not transport - reducing the carbon footprint of complexity
  15. Science and society: when discovery threatens self
  16. Equality and freedom: human rights in an unequal world
  17. Empowerment and civil action: the role of virtual communities
  18. Disability and empowerment: Personal development in a virtualising world
  19. Art as action - the reality of changing perceptions
  20.  Democracy must defeat corporatism and inequality to survive

Obviously, this too, is a very preliminary, top of the head list, and each topic would require a diary to even begin to explain why it might qualify as a defining theme for ET.  However I have tried to broaden it beyond largely economic themes to reflect a range of ET members' concerns.  Some are topics, rather than specific stances on an issue - but nevertheless reflect our priorities and capabilities in making a positive contribution.

"It's a mystery to me - the game commences, For the usual fee - plus expenses, Confidential information - it's in my diary..."
by Frank Schnittger (mail Frankschnittger at hot male dotty communists) on Wed Apr 9th, 2008 at 09:39:51 AM EST
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Nicely done Frank.

This thread is like one incredible jazz riff after another. techno laid a great rhyme to start the piece, and it never looked back.

Well done to all.

Never underestimate their intelligence, always underestimate their knowledge.

Frank Delaney ~ Ireland

by siegestate (siegestate or beyondwarispeace.com) on Tue Apr 15th, 2008 at 07:47:23 AM EST
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