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Copy & paste from Krugman blog:

Jason and the Obamanauts
OK, this furor over Jason Furman's appointment is silly, on two levels.

  1. Furman is a very good guy, with a solid track record as a progressive. You can disagree with him about Walmart -- and I do -- but his heart is clearly with those who want more social justice and a stronger safety net.

  2. He's not, despite what the story says, Obama's chief economic policy advisor -- he's the economic policy director, which is a process job: basically, he organizes other people to provide advice. Obviously there could be a real problem if the policy director steered the candidate away from progressive advice, but Furman is, as I said, a solid progressive, and well suited to the job of honest broker.

Maybe I'm wrong, but my sense is that Jason Furman has become a proxy target for some Obama supporters who, now that the Great Satanness has been defeated, are suddenly starting to have the queasy feeling that their hero might be a bit of a .... centrist. I'm tempted to say I told you so; in fact, I guess I just did. But that's all in the past now.

Anyway, lay off Jason Furman, a good guy who will do his best to defeat a candidate who gets his economic advice from Phil Gramm.

by kukute on Wed Jun 11th, 2008 at 04:32:43 PM EST
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