Welcome to European Tribune. It's gone a bit quiet around here these days, but it's still going.
Unfortunately this "modern orthodoxy" is alive and well in the US (libertarianism based upon Ayn Rand and others).

I've been arguing that it doesn't really exist in Europe except for a pocket in the UK. Am I mistaken?

I also have been arguing that it continues to exist in the US because the think tanks that put forth this type of selfish propaganda exist only due to the continual funding they get from a core group of super wealthy plutocrats. Since there aren't the same types of people in Europe the think tanks don't get the life support needed to keep up this barrage.

Is this also a mistake on my part? Are there really places that parallel Cato Institute, Hoover Institution, Heritage Foundation, Manhattan Institute, U of Chicago and George Mason U in Europe (among others)?

If you are interested in the US specific funding details go to MediaTransparency.org and put in any of those place in the search field. The core list of funders will be revealed as the same names keep coming up with each institution.

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by rdf (robert.feinman@gmail.com) on Thu Jul 24th, 2008 at 03:32:25 PM EST
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