Welcome to European Tribune. It's gone a bit quiet around here these days, but it's still going.
poemless: But I swear, regardless of my position on Russia, from Thursday on, there was a constant, I mean, unending barrage of fearmongering, one-sided (regardless who you blame for the conflict, you should at least be able to hear the position of both sides) news about Russia's invasion of Georgia.

that's what i hear as well.

nevertheless, as i am sure you have noted, Worldview is providing relatively nuanced and informative coverage.

i am not following NPR itself, but if in fact there coverage is also as one-sided as the mainstream media, that is really a tragedy, but i would not automatically pin that on an inherent bias or anti-Russian agenda, but more likely a lack of access to on the ground information and non-English media.  (am i being too charitable?  i really hope not.)

Cynicism is intellectual treason.

by marco on Thu Aug 14th, 2008 at 08:29:40 PM EST
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