Welcome to European Tribune. It's gone a bit quiet around here these days, but it's still going.
Let's disband NATO.  It should have been disbanded in the 90's when the Soviet Union dissolved.  I haven't seen any real purpose for it since then.  

I'm watching my local news and they are telling me that NATO has suspended formal contacts with Russia and have told the Russians to get out of Georgia -- but that there's really nothing NATO can do about it.  The newsreaders were pretty emphatic that there's nothing NATO can do.  heh. Pretty good take on reality for local news.

So basically Putin has made his statement and won his point.  Georgia won't be a part of NATO and neither will the Ukraine.  That's now off the table.  The news media won't report it by saying that Putin won, by next year most people will have forgotten about this, but the current and next governments of the NATO allies understand what happened and will have to deal with that reality.  

by Maryb2004 on Wed Aug 20th, 2008 at 12:35:20 AM EST

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