Welcome to European Tribune. It's gone a bit quiet around here these days, but it's still going.
Extremely premature.  Everything you are citing is from Right Wing Nut Jobs who are the political descendants of those who opposed civil rights in the 50s and 60s by crying "states' rights."  The bills may sound all Patrick Henry, but what they really oppose are environmental regulations, UN black helicopters, and illegal (read "non-Anglo") immigrants.  These are the tin-foil hat people.  Look at the bios of the Washington legislators; I dare you to find one that's to the left of Genghis Khan.  Have you noticed what sort of animal life Oklahoma elects to the US Senate?  And citing to Wing Nut Daily?  Come on.  What's next, Voelkischer Beobachter?
by rifek on Fri Feb 6th, 2009 at 10:39:28 AM EST
the origin of it and I too cringe.  I am however from Massachusetts and as such already been through the latest trend in political "change" from republican to complete sell out democratic governor Devil Patrick.
Also in 2006 Nancy Pelosi and the galactic let down of non-impeachment.

Above all of it though my core belief rests in the simple fact that global scumbags rule the world far above whatever red or blue fashion fad is "in power".  CFR,Bilderburg,Davos,Trilaterals and a host of think tank organizations literally tell people how they should think,behave and each one of either party steadily advances global objectives.

by Lasthorseman on Fri Feb 6th, 2009 at 06:38:18 PM EST
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