Welcome to European Tribune. It's gone a bit quiet around here these days, but it's still going.
A cursory look at history shows that less advanced ethics give a less advanced economical system, science and technology.

Indeed is ethics always relative, indirectly measured by techno-economical progress? Of course not. Ethics is absolute. One can point at the Charter of the United Nations, the one that countries founded on an uneducated superstition violate everyday. That is absolute, Human Rights are absolute. That, absolutism, in turn, is founded on ten million years of specifically human evolution. Human beings come with their own owner's manual, and part of it is called ethics. Evolution wanted it, and evolution is all knowing, misericordious, and most merciful. Differently from the big man raging in the sky, it really exists. EVOLUTION GROUNDS ETHICS ABSOLUTELY.

You are treading dangerous ground here.  I'm not even sure you know it or intend it.  Your choice of topics and they way you present them appear to have a rather fascist streak.  It may be advisable for the Admins to state somewhere loud and clear that the views expressed on this site are not nec. their own.  And for you to be forthcoming and clear about your motivation for posting these diaries, what you'd like to accomplish with them.  Exactly.

"Talking nonsense is the sole privilege mankind possesses over the other organisms." -Dostoevsky

by poemless on Mon Apr 27th, 2009 at 12:10:40 PM EST

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