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The currently dominant theories of evolution and (relatedly enough) of rational choice are pretty categorical about the selfishness background of animal behavior, human behavior and evolutionary dynamics.

But it can be argued that "practice" does not agree with the theories. Animals do not appear obsessed with optimizing their food diet or with optimal reproduction. At least, there is certainly much satisfycing behavior, which helps to avoid collapses (aka "tragedies of commons") of surrounding ecosystems. Even neo-Darwinist theorists like Myanard-Smith noted that mutualist symbiotic relations are highly unspecific while parasitisms are very specific. This indicates that in nature generic goodness makes more sense than generic nastiness.

I could recommend the following book:

Peter A. Corning,
Holistic Darwinism: Synergy, Cybernetics, and the Bioeconomics of Evolution,
University of Chicago Press, 2005.

You can also browse through Corning's publications.

A more conventional book on "alternative" natural unselfishness theories is

Elliott Sober, David Sloan Wilson,
Unto others: the evolution and psychology of unselfish behavior,
Harvard University Press, 1999

I had "reviewed" a review of it recently. The introduction of Unto Others describes quite nicely a bit of the influence of standard recommendations for rational decision making. We have to assume that the financial sharks are very rational, even if they do not completely know (or want to know) what they are doing, or will destroy the civilization.

by das monde on Tue Apr 28th, 2009 at 05:03:34 AM EST
no time right now (I'm traveling).

My point about the financial sharks and Hitler was that sadism and masochism is often perceived as better than boredom, by those who engage in these horribly cruel and abusive practices (including bombing people in Pakistan, or Afghanistan).

I am not recommending it (I have to say this right away, lest I be accused to justify Hitler, a guy who got my family on the run, and partially bombed and killed.)

At least, on the ET, I get hated a lot, so I don't need to start a world war, although, come to think of it, my set of 500 or so quotes of the Qur'an I have selected, coming to the www soon, should do quite nice...

I think altruism plays a giant role in evolution. Now the details, someday, will involve heavy mathematics that certainly do not exist yet (I am a mathematician, no insult to mathematicians intended, just we should be humble...)


Patrice Ayme Patriceayme.com Patriceayme.wordpress.com http://tyranosopher.blogspot.com/

by Patrice Ayme on Tue Apr 28th, 2009 at 08:25:08 AM EST
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