Welcome to European Tribune. It's gone a bit quiet around here these days, but it's still going.
I am really sick reading this shit.It's unbelievable how arrogant USA administrations (both republican and not to mention democrats who started all this shit on Balkan) are.Either everyone in the world will be a slave to them or they will simply KILL them (like millions in Iraq etc.)Like Serbs in ex YU were going in to the war with their neighbors just to entertain them selves...Huhh ...And Europe with its long history should know better then to blindly follow USA orders.Europeans are simply vassals of the Empire and sooner or later will pay the price too.
None are more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe they are free.
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Serbs are proud and stubborn nation and they will pay their price ( in blood) like many times before.They will not willingly become slaves.Yeah they'll have to occupy them.
But the days of this Empire are numbered...Unfortunately some other Empire will follow...
I can hardly watch news these days.It's all so sickening...
It's no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society.
J. Krishnamurti

And by the way did you see documentary "Zeitgeits . Addendum"?


Science without religion is lame, religion without science is blind...Albert Einstein

by vbo on Mon May 18th, 2009 at 07:05:31 AM EST
And by the way did you see documentary "Zeitgeits . Addendum"?

No. Do you want to give us a synthesis?

by vladimir on Mon May 18th, 2009 at 07:14:31 AM EST
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Science without religion is lame, religion without science is blind...Albert Einstein

by vbo on Mon May 18th, 2009 at 07:23:01 AM EST
[ Parent ]

America's "Money Machine"
Reviewing Ellen Brown's "Web of Debt:" Part II

By Stephen Lendman
Global Research, May 9, 2009

This is the second of several articles on Ellen Brown's remarkable book titled "Web of Debt....the shocking truth about our money system, (how it) trapped us in debt, and how we can break free." It's a multi-part snapshot. Reading the entire book is strongly recommended - easily obtainable through Amazon or Brown's www.webofdebt.com site.

www.webofdebt.com  and www.ellenbrown.com
Bankers Capture the Money Machine - Fighting for the Family Farm

In the 1890s, "keeping the family homestead was a key political issue" given that foreclosures and evictions "were occurring in record numbers," much like today. The "Bankers Manifesto of 1892" spelled it out - a willful plan "to disenfranchise farmers and laborers of their homes and property," again like today except that now our very freedom and futures are at stake as sinister forces aim to steal them by turning America into Guatemala and lock it down by police state repression.

The panic of 1893 caused an earlier depression - severe enough to establish a precedent of street protests, the result of the first ever march on Washington. Businessman/populist Jacob Coxey led his "Coxey's Army (of around 500) from Massilon, Ohio (beginning March 25, Easter Sunday) to the nation's capital to demand jobs and a return to debt and interest-free Greenbacks. Local police intervened. The marchers were disbanded. Coxey was arrested. He spent 20 days in jail for disturbing the peace and violating a local ordinance against walking on the grass. However, he was never charged, then released, and is now remembered for his heroics.

He began a tradition later sparking suffragist marches; unemployed WW I veterans for their "Bonus Bill" money; numerous anti-war and earlier civil rights protests; in 2004, one million in the nation's capital for women's rights, and the previous day thousands protesting IMF-World Bank policies.

The late 19th century Populist movement was the last serious challenge to private bankers' monopoly power over the nation's money. Journalist William Hope Harvey wrote a popular book titled "Coin's Financial School" that explained the problem in simple English - that restricting silver coinage was a conspiracy to enrich "London-controlled Eastern financiers at the expense of farmers and debtors." He called England "a money power that can dictate the money of the world, and thereby create world misery."

He referred to the "Crime of 73" that limited free silver coinage and replaced it with British gold. It forced America to pay England $200 million annually in gold in interest on its bonds and inspired William Jennings Bryan's "Cross of Gold" speech. He nearly became president, but lost in a close (big-monied financed) race to William McKinley, but he, too, paid a price. He was later assassinated, likely for his protectionism, very much disadvantaging British bankers. With him gone, the Morgans and Rockefellers dominated US banking, and arranged for friendly leaders to run the country, Teddy Roosevelt included, a man with more bark than bite.

"The trusts and cartels remained the puppeteers with real power, pulling the strings of puppet politicians" who were bought and paid for like today.

by vladimir on Mon May 18th, 2009 at 07:42:26 AM EST
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First part is very informative and second part is a little bit of fantasy , that many here on ET are believers of (I would like to be also but being a pessimist I simply can't).

Science without religion is lame, religion without science is blind...Albert Einstein
by vbo on Mon May 18th, 2009 at 09:52:34 AM EST
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I am talking about "Zeitgeits . Addendum"...

Science without religion is lame, religion without science is blind...Albert Einstein
by vbo on Mon May 18th, 2009 at 09:59:55 AM EST
[ Parent ]


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