Welcome to European Tribune. It's gone a bit quiet around here these days, but it's still going.
That was the whole paradox of Judaism as Hitler festered. And now why Israel was founded the other way (the philosopher Isaac Berlin said about the foundation of Israel:"They listened to Hitler, not to us"... Well, that was my answer to Berlin, and Bibi (not my prophet) would understand it...)

The way of the sheep is easy: only one decision to take: how fast can I run... The way of the demon is harder: it does not have to take orders from God (BTW, true reason why why Socrates was condemned...)

Patrice Ayme Patriceayme.com Patriceayme.wordpress.com http://tyranosopher.blogspot.com/

by Patrice Ayme on Mon Jun 1st, 2009 at 06:59:28 PM EST
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