Welcome to European Tribune. It's gone a bit quiet around here these days, but it's still going.
Perhaps I misunderstand you, but for me, your comment is offensive. Germany is Germany. A new government does not make the holocaust disappear or, like some bankruptcy proceeding, assign it to an old entity that can be discarded. The European delusion that one can draw a line somewhere in the 1950s and pretend that King Leopold and Herman Goering and Lord Lucan did not exist or that we do not in many senses live in the world that they made is not really morally supportable. Most Germans of today did not live during the Nazi period and they do not inherit a mark of cain, but they do live in a rich european nation on the graveyard of the German Jews - whose communities in Germany lasted over a 1000 years. To claim that a anti-nazi law or two makes that disappear is like claiming that the emancipation proclamation in the US negates the heritage of slavery.

There's an obvious, if bitter, irony in the fact that a generation after German gangs marched all over europe singing about the Jew-free europe of their dreams, a sizable minority of people of middle eastern descent has reappeared in Germany. If you don't like that irony, that's fine. If you want to tell me it doesn't exist I can only say that it is not me that you are fooling.

by rootless2 on Fri Jun 26th, 2009 at 06:29:49 PM EST
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