Welcome to European Tribune. It's gone a bit quiet around here these days, but it's still going.
Of course, here in California our plan to send the trains through city centers (something I strongly support) is criticized by some train buffs who want the straight lines. The usual example is idiots who suggest we send the trains along Interstate 5 in the Central Valley, bypassing the 2 million or so people who live along the Merced-Fresno-Bakersfield corridor that we're planning to serve.

Those three cities alone are going to be utterly transformed by this project, and in very positive ways. Each city has a lot of potential to thrive - they just need something to encourage greater development in the city centers, and need better connections to the Bay Area and LA. I wonder what might provide that...

And the world will live as one

by Montereyan (robert at calitics dot com) on Tue Nov 9th, 2010 at 02:40:51 AM EST
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