Welcome to European Tribune. It's gone a bit quiet around here these days, but it's still going.
When my best friend became a sloppy and belligerent drunk, all of us who were his friends told him, "We love you, we like to be with you but not when you've been drinking."  Turns out, it was the right thing to do.

He became sober through AA and through him I learned about Anne Wilson Schaef and her books When Society Becomes an Addict and The Addictive Organization.  They explain a lot more than alcohol addiction.  They delineate the addictive thought process and thinking system.  It helps explain, for me, the political dysfunction in my own country, the USA, and how power structures maintain control.

All of this brain chemistry as well as psychology and behavioral patterning.  You can make adjustments using any and all of these techniques.  However, I would beware of the "magic bullet" theory:  if you just did x, it would solve your problem.  Problems don't exist outside of systems and x might do wonders for your brain chemistry while leaving your detrimental social network or negative psychological state(s) in place.  Magic bullet thinking is prevalent in our technological world (and a symptom of the addictive system).  Systems thinking is rare indeed.

Solar IS Civil Defense

by gmoke on Fri Dec 31st, 2010 at 05:16:54 PM EST

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