Welcome to European Tribune. It's gone a bit quiet around here these days, but it's still going.
"progressive" economic policy is advocated by Communists if "progressive" means increase in social spending.

Putin turned "progressive" recently in view of sliding ratings after years of "austerity" measures. But his instincts are conservative no doubt, and FT "marketistas" just like that:

FT: Back to health: discipline puts Russia's economy on the right track

Investors may be jittery about the fiscal outlook in some central and eastern European countries this year - Hungary, Bulgaria and Romania have all found themselves in the spotlight in recent days. But one country where forecasts are moving in the right direction is Russia.

Russia is cutting its forecast budget deficit to 5.4 per cent of gross domestic product this year - a significant fall from its original projection of 6.8 per cent - thanks to higher prices for commodities, particularly oil. The government will approve revisions to the budget today.

So as you rightly noted Putin's flirt with "progressiveness" likely end up as a parody of David Cameron's attempts to modernize his nasty party, bringing it glitz and glamour of Jeffrey Sachs' types. After Canadian "Progressive Conservative party", British "Progressive Liberal Conservative coalition" should we expect renaming "United Russia" party as "Progressive United Russia"? Not yet, but the good thing is that finally started to notice relentless internet criticism and aspirations of Russian middle classes to have more "normal" system in place.

by FarEasterner on Thu Jun 10th, 2010 at 03:01:15 PM EST
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