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European Tribune - Russian perspective on I/P conflict

The final part of the article is more open to criticism, at least I don't see immediate threat of big war in Middle East and I attribute the gloomy shades of Lukyanov's conclusion only to timing of his writing, the article appeared on June 3, just days after Israeli raid.

I believe the sense will eventually prevail on all sides, but we have to prepare for a rough ride ahead.

I would share Lukyanov's analysis and have my doubts about your optimism.  Israel is quite capable of Bombing Iran and expecting the US to give tacit support.  Obama would be incensed because it will put his Iraqi and Afghani withdrawals at risk, but what can he do to stop it, or limit the damage if Israel does Bomb?  And Europe will wring its hands as usual.

So it's business as usual then, for the only nuclear power in the Middle East.  (I would count Pakistan as being more engaged with the India/China/Afghanistan region and effectively outside the I/P theatre of war).

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by Frank Schnittger (mail Frankschnittger at hot male dotty communists) on Tue Jun 8th, 2010 at 04:01:56 PM EST

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