Welcome to European Tribune. It's gone a bit quiet around here these days, but it's still going.
A quick google of images on equal pay just gives same old, same old.  Everything about the impact on women of the cuts is blah blah.

We'll carry on stagnating as a movement if we don't find fresh new ways of communicating.

There is plenty of scope using social media such as twitter and facebook but for organising more than getting a message across.

I think the Yes for Wales campaign is a great example of a campaign that mobilised and motivated people on quite a large scale but it was unique and time limited and a positive campaign.

Amnesty campaigns can be innovotive and positive

Domestic violence campaigns have become stronger. But there is always a fine line - people know DV exists but don't want to be confronted by it.  What we need to do most is show women who do expereince domestic violence that the behaviour they keep excusing, shouldn't be tolerated and that there is help.

Comments above about taking care when confronting difficult topics is important. I won't donate to NSPCC because I really dislike their advertising campaigns.  Many other charities continue to victimise/stereotype the very people they claim to support etc.

by In Wales (inwales aaat eurotrib.com) on Tue Mar 15th, 2011 at 12:13:40 PM EST
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