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Youth unemployment is  currently at 44.6 % in Spain. It is at 20.7 on average in the EU 27. Source:Labour Market Fact Sheet May 2011 (pdf)

"L'homme fut sûrement le voeu le plus fou des ténèbres " René Char
by Melanchthon on Sat May 21st, 2011 at 10:28:42 AM EST
[ Parent ]

Labour market participation by sex and age - Statistics explained

Persons aged 15-24 tend not to be in the labour force: in 2009, 56.1% of young men and women in that age category in the EU-27 were inactive, making a total of 33.3 million persons. The rate of inactivity in this age group ranges from 28.3% in Denmark and 28.4% in the Netherlands to 75.4% in Hungary and 70.9% in Italy. Differences between countries are largely explained by the number of students having or seeking a job (as they are then classified as employed or unemployed instead of inactive persons, even if the job is a minor one).

"L'homme fut sûrement le voeu le plus fou des ténèbres " René Char
by Melanchthon on Sat May 21st, 2011 at 10:57:44 AM EST
[ Parent ]


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