Welcome to European Tribune. It's gone a bit quiet around here these days, but it's still going.
That's a massive report. Even just the chapter on the accident itself. But so far, regarding No. 1, I found:
  • they think the earthquake did not break reactor circuit pipes, based on pressure/steam flow readings before the tsunami hit;
  • at last there is a confirmation that the electric switchboxes of the rectors were submerged by the tsunami, too (thus making initial attempts to restore AC power futile);
  • in addition to the generators and the switchboxes, the seawater pumps of the cooling system were damaged, too;
  • elevated radiation levels inside the building were first detected at 23:00 local time on 11 March, that is seven and a half hours after the tsunami hit;
  • TEPCO's difficulty in following up on the government's order to vent was also because of elevated radiation levels, which forced workers to use improvised methods to open the valves;
  • they mention some confusion in the line of communication between TEPCO's higher and lower echelons and the government regarding a supposed suspension of seawater injection after starting it on the second day, but TEPCO's current position is that at the order of the plant director, there never was an actual suspension.

*Lunatic*, n.
One whose delusions are out of fashion.
by DoDo on Sun Jun 12th, 2011 at 03:44:30 PM EST
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