Welcome to European Tribune. It's gone a bit quiet around here these days, but it's still going.
The article is sensational, yes, and for the moment we discount it.  

But take a look at the embeded video:  

Basics are, first, an electrical fire of unknown cause, successfully extinguished, that temporarily knocked out cooling to the spent-fuel pool, now restored.  They dodged a bullet, and have unknown damage to repair, but yes, cooling is working, according to the NRC reports.  

Second, the plant has about one foot of margin left.  A rise of one third meter or more puts the plant at risk of flooding and failing utterly (including melting down).  The flood right now is stable, but this could change if there is more bad weather, or if any of the upstream dams--already saturated--fail.  This danger will persist for months.  

This last would explain a news blackout, and the no fly zone.  It is also true they don't want anything knocking down power into the plant.  That too is "Game Over, Man.  Game Over!"  

The Fates are kind.

by Gaianne on Sat Jun 18th, 2011 at 02:25:04 PM EST
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