Welcome to European Tribune. It's gone a bit quiet around here these days, but it's still going.
Well I find Quatremer pretty insufferable too, so we have common ground...

Sadly, once the Greens went into government with the Socialists, it was inevitable that it would get tarred with the brush of their sell-outs and blunders. There was a negotiation on points of program beforehand of course; and it was thrown out the window at the first opportunity by the PS. This now leads to occasional comical situations, e.g. when EELV tries to amend the budget to merge income tax with CSG... an important progressive reform, and a promise made by Hollande and since abandoned.

This leads to a familiar quandary : the Greens are perfectly aware of having next to nil impact on policy, and of being obliged by the principle of governmental solidarity to keep their mouths shut about stuff they disagree with (with the exception of speaking out against Valls when he said clearly intolerable stuff)

The dilemma is always : at what point do you exit the government? The argument for staying is that Duflot and Canfin are putting through important progressive reforms, with a fairly free hand, in their respective portfolios of housing and foreign aid, and want to see it through.

As for the actual policy positions of EELV, have no fear... Clearly anti- "free trade" agreement. Yes, still anti-nuclear, but without sufficient influence to shut it down.

And as for your apparent fear of compulsory vegetarianism... you're joking surely?

It is rightly acknowledged that people of faith have no monopoly of virtue - Queen Elizabeth II

by eurogreen on Tue Nov 12th, 2013 at 12:10:28 PM EST
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