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that his grasp of macroeconomics is probably suspect. Pedigree usually doesn't mean much, of course, though given that he is virtually not recognised, at least in economics, outside of France, I would guess that here, his pedigree suggests the same sort of austerity-tinged tunnel-vision as afflicts the elite political and economic class in France and on the continent in general.

Patrick Artus is one of many so-called economic experts in France who have been calling loudly for deep reductions in public spending here in France all the while unemployment continues its long march upward.

That he is a regular feature in the PS Party economic organ "Alternatives économiques," is as depressing as it is unsurprising.

The Hun is always either at your throat or at your feet. Winston Churchill

by r------ on Fri Nov 29th, 2013 at 06:14:48 AM EST
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