Welcome to European Tribune. It's gone a bit quiet around here these days, but it's still going.
is well known to be leftish/PS style. Only people I know who read it are either PS or EELV voters. Of course calling it the official PS organ is hyperbole, but I stand by the larger point - it does represent the alternative views within the PS, albeit in reverse (proportionally more of the leftish, somewhat but only very somewhat neo-keynesian views and less of the austerian centrist Hollande/Moscovici/Valls views, which is the opposite of the party in power, though only in terms of proportion). I note their present issue is a stunning apologia for the present incompetent Hollande government's economic policy and I am not surprised.

A casual scanning of their archives gives me a couple hundred or so blog posts, interviews or tribunes with Mr Artus in the magazine over the past couple of years.

As for who on the left actually supports similar views on the matter, that would be M'PEP, major related economist would be Jacques Sapir.

Just because the Polytechnicien Artus isn't totally full of shit this time doesn't mean he normally is not, in the same way as a broken clock is correct two seconds a day, but incorrect the other 86.398 seconds.

The Hun is always either at your throat or at your feet. Winston Churchill

by r------ on Fri Nov 29th, 2013 at 10:32:20 AM EST
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