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Thats what I get for trusting Internet rumors.

Qatar emir hands power to son in rare peaceful transition | World news | guardian.co.uk

Gulf sources say Sheikh Tamim is less keen than his father on the Brotherhood, but most observers predict continuity on key policies. "Tamim has matured a lot," said a family friend. "He will continue what his father started. He is a military man, and he is disciplined."

So the Saudi/Qatar rivalry might continue. Indeed, from Al Jazeera's editorial line it does not look like Qatar is backing down from supporting the Brotherhood.

Sweden's finest (and perhaps only) collaborative, leftist e-newspaper Synapze.se

by A swedish kind of death on Sun Jul 14th, 2013 at 05:44:00 AM EST
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The new emir Sheikh Tamim Bin Hamad Al Thani, 33, was educated at the English public schools Harrow and Sherborne before graduating from the Sandhurst military academy.

Sheikh Hamad made no mention of the public face of Qatar's assertive foreign policy, prime minister and foreign minister Sheikh Hamad bin Jassim, a veteran politician who had been expected also to step down. The FM not only lost his job as influential minister, he also lost his position as head of the Qatar Investment Authority.

Sheikh Hamad bin Jassim bin Jaber al-Thani: Meet the man who bought London

Al Qaradawi role in Tamim's Qatar sparks debate
Qataris defend the new emir's embrace of controversial cleric

MANAMA, Qatar (Gulf News) - The old man was assisted by an aide as he walked up to the former and new emirs of Qatar to offer his congratulations on the peaceful transition at the top of the state and the hand-over of power.

The Emiri Court in Doha was filled with well-wishers, but Shaikh Yousuf Al Qaradawi [point of view ADL] was taken directly to Shaikh Hamad Bin Khalifa Al Thani and Shaikh Tamim Bin Hamad Al Thani, the outgoing emir and the new emir.

The father promptly moved forward and kissed the frail-looking man in a gesture that indicated the deep trust the two men have developed over the years. The scholar then moved to the son, 33, the youngest ruler of an Arab country. Shaikh Tamim planted a kiss on Al Qaradawi's head and then his shoulder.

His Highness Sheikh Tamim Bin Hamad Al-Thani Emir of the State of Qatar

'Sapere aude'
by Oui (Oui) on Sun Jul 14th, 2013 at 06:23:42 AM EST
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So two pieces of Kremlology going in different directions with resepct to what foreign policy Qatar will follow. Guess we will have to wait for actions to see.

Passing on the crown as inheritance does have the inherit weakness - compared to electoral systems - of getting a new ruler that nobody knows much about. Kropotkin had a quip about how the crown prince was always liberal, but the tsar was always conservative. My take on it is that the ideas of the crown prince reflected the hopes of the population, while the tsar reflects the realities of power.

Sweden's finest (and perhaps only) collaborative, leftist e-newspaper Synapze.se

by A swedish kind of death on Sun Jul 14th, 2013 at 06:44:09 AM EST
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That may be a quite general phenomenon, I've seen the same thing in historical Korean soap operas.

Part of the phenomenon is that whatever the newly crowned king pursues as his highest priority for reform will require concessions on other things that he might also have wished to change ... and the first step to pursuing that reform is to convert his formal position into real power, in the process of which any reforming zeal can often be lost in the weeds.

I've been accused of being a Marxist, yet while Harpo's my favourite, it's Groucho I'm always quoting. Odd, that.

by BruceMcF (agila61 at netscape dot net) on Mon Jul 15th, 2013 at 01:06:46 AM EST
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Al Qaradawi role in Tamim's Qatar...(is functionally similar to Al Wahabi role in Saudi Arabia.)

Al Qaradawi is not a regular religious scholar or a simple Friday mosque preacher. Over the years, the Egyptian-born cleric has acquired a special status on religious, social, economic and political ideas and talks. Doha-based Al Jazeera channel, the most viewed station in the Arab world, helped take him into the homes of millions of viewers, particularly through a weekly one-hour-long talk show in which he shared views and offered advice.

As a prominent supporter of the Muslim Brotherhood, he helped propagate their ideology and views on everything and, mainly in the last two years, on political matters. He spoke freely about political developments in Tunisia, Libya, Egypt, Yemen and Syria and pushed his stances through the spoken word following decades of writing books.

He was clearly against former leaders Zine Al Abidine Bin Ali, Hosni Mubarak, and Muammar Gaddafi and never hesitated to show his dislike for Syrian President Bashar Al Assad, urging the use of force to oust him from power. He supported the Arab Spring and wanted a much greater role for Islamists in power.

Part of the tension between Qatar is rivalry between the Saudi Wahabi and the Qatari Al Qaradawi, despite both having very similar political/religious orientations.  

"It is not necessary to have hope in order to persevere."
by ARGeezer (ARGeezer a in a circle eurotrib daught com) on Sun Jul 14th, 2013 at 09:56:25 AM EST
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