Welcome to European Tribune. It's gone a bit quiet around here these days, but it's still going.
Egypt's path to the future in a single comment? It's part of the developments in the Middle East ever since 9/11 and the flawed US invasion of Iraq in 2003. Iran gained significant influence through the Shia majority and the Maliki government in Iraq. Turkey has made major investments in Iraq's Kurdish north and wants to extend influence in the region (re: Syria). The Sunni monarchs of the Gulf states would not stand by idle to let this happen and have used their great wealth to influence Western powers and Arab uprising in the spring of 2011. The recent developments shows a miscalculation in Syria for Assad's overthrow. To regain foothold, John Kerry has dumped the failed policy of Hillary Clinton including her advisors from Bill's reign of the 1990's.

Egypt's 2nd people's revolution was a necessary adjustment to President Morsi's doing his MB party's bidding and alienated large masses of the population. Funds dried up ...

Read some of my diaries @BooMan Tribune ...

Egypt to receive $4bn in aid from Kuwait

CAIRO, Egypt (DailyNewsEgypt) - Kuwait, the oil-rich US ally, has announced an aid package of $4bn to Egypt, a day after neighbouring United Arab Emirates (UAE) and Saudi Arabia pledged a total of $8bn in aid, one week after the ouster of Islamist president Mohamed Morsi.

According Kuwait's official news agency, KUNA, $2bn of the package will be in the form of deposit to the Central Bank of Egypt, while $1bn will be offered as a non-refundable grant. The Gulf state will also provide cash-strapped Egypt with fuel and petroleum products worth $1bn, KUNA's report said.

The UAE and Saudi Arabia announced that Egypt will receive an $8bn aid package; the KSA will contribute with $5bn and UAE will offer $3bn. Saudi's aid will be divided to $1bn cash, $2bn for petroleum products and another $2bn deposit. The UAE will contribute a $1bn grant and $2bn interest-free deposit with the central bank.

Several businesses have launched the 306306 "Support Egypt" campaign, announced in a statement issued by the central bank on 7 July. Contributions to these bank accounts were not limited to businessmen; several syndicates have also showcased their support by providing donations.

McCain calls Morsi ouster a coup d'etat, would block the U.S. sending $1.5bn annual aid

'Sapere aude'
by Oui (Oui) on Thu Jul 11th, 2013 at 01:09:30 AM EST

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