Welcome to European Tribune. It's gone a bit quiet around here these days, but it's still going.
So what options remain to the Brotherhood? From Bassem Sabry:

First, it could suddenly just decide to call the bluff and immediately announce it's just joining the current road map in one form or another. The main risk here for the Brotherhood is that this would render a powerful implosion likely [presumably of the Brotherhood organization]. On the other hand, it would alternatively be giving it the highest defense and protection against any unwarranted persecution, would put everyone else on the other side of the spectrum on the spot, and would ensure the fastest return of the democratic process while making official the Brotherhood's reintegration. The second option is to continue to (intelligently and peacefully) maintain pressure until the Brotherhood can extract some sort of victory under the current situation it can sell to its supporters (for example, Morsi's release, strong assurances of inclusion) and grow confident of the organization's integral unity while ensuring it's sufficiently protected from any possible witch hunt.

In any case, it's highly unlikely this is going to be 1954 all over again, when Nasser abolished democracy as it stood and obliterated the Brotherhood. This is a different time and a different world. The Brotherhood, instead of blaming everything and all its failures on outside forces, must realize its failings and missteps, accept them, evolve, and even consider a sweeping internal change in leadership, both for the sake of internal unity and for improving chances of public re-acceptance. And it's also unlikely this is the end of political Islam, as some have been too quickly heralding.

The Brotherhood thrived for decades under pressure, and the idea of surviving the "mehna" (ordeal) is a key element of Brotherhood ideology. Egypt's current leadership must realize that the country's largest political force will not disappear, its followers will not vanish, and that the most dangerous thing to do is to corner a desperate man without giving him a viable way out.

Inclusion and an honest desire for reconciliation remain key.

Revolutions often proceed in somewhat protracted stages and play out over years. That may be the case with Egypt.

"It is not necessary to have hope in order to persevere."
by ARGeezer (ARGeezer a in a circle eurotrib daught com) on Wed Jul 17th, 2013 at 08:42:12 PM EST
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