Welcome to European Tribune. It's gone a bit quiet around here these days, but it's still going.
Family members sit around playing games together in Little Rock at my younger sister's house.

My granddaughter Zora displays her personal sense of style.

My sister's kitchen was the most popular gathering place, other than in the pool.

Back at my daughter's house in Austin, Zora puts rabbit ears on Saffy.

At my dad's in Casitas Springs, CA, they're blessed with lots of birds, such as these hummingbirds.

Dad, who just turned 87, shows off their nectarines, which grow beside the house.

Next we visited my best friend's house on Whidbey Island, WA, and took some lovely walks with fantastic views.

(Husband Heinz by a big tree in the forest near the beach:)

And back home, the lovely views continued, with a huge moon just in the last week, which I captured as it advanced toward and passed behind Eagle's Nest.

And that's it for now until week after next when my mom and little sister visit from the USA.

'tis strange I should be old and neither wise nor valiant. From "The Maid's Tragedy" by Beaumont & Fletcher

by Wife of Bath (kareninaustin at g mail dot com) on Sun Jul 28th, 2013 at 08:30:00 AM EST

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