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This is an interesting position: the Greens and the Left have the right crisis diagnosis, but they need the weight of the macroeconomically clueless SPD in order to make a viable (seats-wise) governing coalition

Yes, and a pony too, please. The trouble with the SPD is that their election results are still too good to support a change. They need the educational effect of getting far less than 20% before they start to debate a red-red-green coalition. And by then it will be too late.

by Katrin on Wed Aug 28th, 2013 at 05:26:30 PM EST
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The problem with Red-Red-Green is that the SPD would have half the votes in the coalition and so would insist on ruling it, thereby negating the better macroeconomics of it junior partners.

I mean, Peer Steinbrück, FFS!

Finance is the brain [tumour] of the economy

by Carrie (migeru at eurotrib dot com) on Wed Aug 28th, 2013 at 05:52:22 PM EST
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If the SPD really wanted red-red-green, they could let Steinbrück cash his pension and let someone else get elected chancellor. Gabriel probably. But the party doesn't want it, it's not just Steinbrück.  
by Katrin on Wed Aug 28th, 2013 at 06:03:24 PM EST
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