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Das Gespräch führten Hendrik Ankenbrand und Ralph Bollmann.: "Ich will Ludwig Erhard zu Ende denken" (Sahra Wagenknecht)
Der damalige Kapitalismus war sozial gebändigt. Man konnte von der gesetzlichen Rente im Alter leben. Bei Gesundheit gab es keine Zuzahlungen. Die Löhne stiegen. Hartz TV war noch nicht mal erdacht. Vor allem aber hatte die Politik mehr Spielräume, weil es noch nicht diese konzentrierte Wirtschaftsmacht gab

Pensions one could live of, health care was free, wages were rising, there was room for politics, because economic power wasn't as concentrated as now. That's a parallel to Erhard.

by Katrin on Sun Aug 25th, 2013 at 04:10:54 PM EST
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The situation was one of postwar growth (as elsewhere), aided by debt forgiveness and the Marshall Plan, with incorporation of Bismarckian social insurance institutions. Saying "we were better off then" is a commonplace -- others think that of the postwar development of their countries too (France, Britain, US, to name but those).

Erhard himself was a neo-liberal, credited with saying "The market is social". For a left-party leader to identify herself with him (if that is what Wagenknecht is doing) is unbelievable.

Of course, I realize that there is a widely-shared Erhard myth which credits him with the "miracle". In which case Wagenknecht is just trying to pull some of the Erhard halo on to her own head. And this can cast her remarks about money in a similar light, ie opportunistic use of commonly-accepted frames. For her own advancement...

This doesn't dispel my misgivings about the capacity of existing left-of-the-left parties to be of much use in bringing about major political change.

by afew (afew(a in a circle)eurotrib_dot_com) on Mon Aug 26th, 2013 at 11:35:27 AM EST
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 "In which case Wagenknecht is just trying to pull some of the Erhard halo on to her own head."

I think that is what she is trying to do.

Too clever by half.

by IM on Mon Aug 26th, 2013 at 11:39:20 AM EST
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