Welcome to European Tribune. It's gone a bit quiet around here these days, but it's still going.
That is wishful thinking. The Left already does a tax the rich campaign. So do the Social Democrats. Running on tax increases is always an iffy position. They are doing it at a time when the budget is near a surplus. This is not going to work and the Social Democrats are already reversing. If you do populism in Germany it would be aimed at a breakup of the monetary union. Germans see their money not going to the filthy rich, but to the southerners.

You need to face the situation as it is and not like you want it to be. Hard money is a genuine national consensus in Germany. No likely government will have the votes to go against it.

The possible options are hard money or no Euro.

by oliver on Tue Aug 27th, 2013 at 11:57:21 AM EST
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