Welcome to European Tribune. It's gone a bit quiet around here these days, but it's still going.
The British and French empires could be wound down without total collapse of the colonizing power largely because of the protection afforded them by the new hegemon, the USA. Who could and would provide such a service to the USA while it wound down its empire? Possibly Russia and China. Were the USA to undertake such a farsighted policy they would be regional beneficiaries. But the likelihood is that dickheadedness will continue to reign in the US polity and they will be forced into an adversarial role in the interests of US domestic politics.

"It is not necessary to have hope in order to persevere."
by ARGeezer (ARGeezer a in a circle eurotrib daught com) on Wed Sep 4th, 2013 at 01:48:41 PM EST
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