Welcome to European Tribune. It's gone a bit quiet around here these days, but it's still going.
Regarding Sweden, his argument is nonsense. He includes both Malmö and Stockholm suburbs in the category with no jobs, leaving the reader to wonder where - if market rents were introduced - the refugees would settle. Central Stockholm?

Refugees and immigrants has a hard time finding jobs because of the mandatory unemployment policy and them having the weakest position. Ignoring that and blaming it on the housing is just a plea for his favourite housing policies.

And no, it is not racism that prevents the government from repeating its 60ies and 70ies policies for massive building projects. Those projects benefitted both poorer Swedes and immigrating Finns, Yugoslavians and Italians, just as building cheap housing today would benefit both poorer Swedes and immigrants.

by fjallstrom on Mon Sep 14th, 2015 at 02:38:33 AM EST
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