Welcome to European Tribune. It's gone a bit quiet around here these days, but it's still going.
Mario Draghi didn't take it too kindly and replied that the ECB isn't into the sole business of preserving German savers' assets

Never-ending transfer of economic power upwards is the only goal, German savers' assets being undermined is just unconvenient because German politicians has claimed that they would not be.

By blaming everything but the cold weather onto the ECB loose money, Schaüble et fellow politicians are drawing attention away from the cause: the ECB is using the loose money and low interest rates methods because the Eurozone states, led by the German government, refuse to use the budgetary tools. Without enough budget for maintenance and upgrades, German infrastructures are aging, not to mention airport construction projects...

But the ECB is also the muscle behind the Commissions threats to any state that dares use fiscal stimulus.

ECB blames the states, Germany blames ECB. What can they ever agree on?

Well, there is this:

"If you want the real economy to grow, there are no shortcuts which avoid reforms."
by fjallstrom on Mon Apr 25th, 2016 at 04:36:44 AM EST

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