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The press are trying to play this down by concentrating on the Labour/Corbyn story, which conveniently has distracted everyone from WTF just happened.
That will run for a while. But sooner or later, the UK has to face up to the fact that the class and orientation divides can only be bridged by a genuine political genius. And there certainly aren't any of those in or around Westminster.
So I suppose we're going to see increasing extremism and right-wing violence as the UK descends into poverty and a fascist police state.
The poverty will start a lot more quickly if the UK can't reassure RoW that it's credit worthy. We're already seeing a run on the pound, and it's not clear when that will stop.
It's an impossible situation. The best outcome is mitigation, and that's going to enrage at least some of the population.
The worst outcome is hyperinflation within the next year or so. A huge jump in import costs for a country that has limited export potential - because we've just thrown away London's position as the prime European financial centre - is a classic set-up for a full blown inflationary crisis.
If that happens, we'll back where we in the mid-70s asking the IMF for a bail-out - on god only knows what terms, because there's precious little valuable industry left, and hardly anything left to sell.
I'm seriously considering converting my savings into Swiss Francs, or some other haven currency - not so much for profit, but to guarantee I have money for food.
Family rifts over Brexit: `I can barely look at my parents' | Life and style | The Guardian
The EU referendum result has thrown many thousands of people, particularly young adults, into bitter conflict with the closest members of their families - divisions that `won't heal any time soon'
The article contains several examples of Remain-voting kids confronting their Leave-voting parents (and one counter-example). *Lunatic*, n. One whose delusions are out of fashion.
but now it's double-plus super poisonous because it has become clear to at least some of the Leave voters that the leaders they trusted were simply conning them.
You think this is fun? Wait till Trump ascends to his throne and his gun-toting idiot supporters realized they've been played ... no new jobs, pitting state against state in a race to the wage cellar. Those guns will come in handy when it's time to flush the USA down the toilet. 😷 They tried to assimilate me. They failed.
by Frank Schnittger - Sep 10 3 comments
by Frank Schnittger - Sep 1 6 comments
by Frank Schnittger - Sep 3 30 comments
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by Oui - Sep 10
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by gmoke - Sep 5
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by Frank Schnittger - Sep 16 comments
by Oui - Sep 114 comments