Welcome to European Tribune. It's gone a bit quiet around here these days, but it's still going.
On the question of what goes on in the Westminster bubble, we discussed in another thread the illusory notion that Corbyn as PM could beat the oily foreigners into submission, sorry, negotiate a better deal.

Here's some interesting poll data:

A further challenge for Jeremy Corbyn is to persuade voters that he could get a better Brexit deal if he were prime minister. This claim is rejected by 68%-11% of voters generally, by 47%-30% of Labour voters, and - perhaps most ominously - by 52-23% of Labour leave voters.

Admittedly, it's extra-Parliamentary. But when it becomes apparent, even to those deep in the brown stuff within the HP Sauce bottle, that Parliament is incapable of settling this issue and a slide over the cliff-edge approaches, what will happen?

I used to be afew. I'm still not many.

by john_evans (john(dot)evans(dot)et(at)gmail(dot)com) on Tue Dec 25th, 2018 at 10:56:24 AM EST
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