Welcome to European Tribune. It's gone a bit quiet around here these days, but it's still going.
Note that quoting Politico.eu is just that: quoting, not endorsing. I have of course remarked on their neo-lib (and Atlanticist) bend before; they also practice access journalism quite a lot, but in that regard, they aren't much different from other corporate media.

The interesting thing is that they are one of the few non-British English language publications in Europe, with a large part of their staff in Brussels and various places on the continent, so their perspective on Brexit is obviously a bit different from the ones found in Britain or Ireland. If anything, they act as a mouthpiece to a lot of EU insiders, who are largely quoted in that article.

by Bernard (bernard) on Tue Sep 10th, 2019 at 08:39:11 PM EST

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