Welcome to European Tribune. It's gone a bit quiet around here these days, but it's still going.
... about British boulevard media

[Dutch news outlet De Telegraaf is the worst version in British style ... was shut down after German occupation 1940-45 due to Nazi collaboration, a few left wing newspapers started during the war as underground resistance news pamphlets]

'Sapere aude'

by Oui (Oui) on Mon Dec 13th, 2021 at 08:53:00 AM EST
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Ah, the genial and lovable British press...

Always look at the bright side: it has temporarily taken their focus away from the French in general and Macron in particular.

The Macron Obsession - a Very English Virus - The Federal Trust

What is it about England's right-wing journalism and France? The obsessive hate against France's president, Emmanuel Macron, in papers like the Daily Telegraph, Daily Mail, and Spectator is without precedent.

As news arrived of the death of 27 refugees drowned in the Straits of Dover, the Daily Mail summed up the style and language of the Francophobe press. It blasted the "Tantrum diplomacy of the Tinpot Napoleon: Brexit has long been driving Emmanuel Macron to ever greater heights of irrationality - and now it's costing lives."

The paper added that turning the Channel "into a graveyard is precisely the consequence of the grotesque policies put in place by Macron himself." By any definition this is extraordinary language. Saying the President of France is responsible personally for the deaths in the Channel was a new low in the non-stop Brexit press attacks on Macron.

by Bernard (bernard) on Mon Dec 13th, 2021 at 07:56:36 PM EST
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Mercedes will not pursue appeal against F1 title-deciding Abu Dhabi result | BBS Sport |

Lewis Hamilton is 'disillusioned' after Abu Dhabi, says Toto Wolff

Safety car will always cause a change in a F1 race ... unfortunate it was in the last 5 laps, team Mercedes could have gone for a tire change on two occasions, they did not! They got the constructor's title ... well done 😖

Otto is such a nice guy ...

'It's not how things should go' - Wolff apologises after Bottas crash ruins Red Bull's Hungarian GP

'Sapere aude'

by Oui (Oui) on Thu Dec 16th, 2021 at 03:26:04 PM EST
[ Parent ]


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