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OpEd | How the US impacts Brexit's Northern Ireland protocol, EU, UK steel and aluminum exports
the U.S. Commerce Department informed the U.K. government that bilateral talks on lifting TRUMP-ERA tariffs on steel and aluminum could not move ahead. The reason was that the British government's continued threats to breach the Northern Ireland Protocol would hurt the citizens of Northern Ireland.
Meanwhile, the U.S. government lifted the 25 percent tariff on steel and 10 percent tariff on aluminum to European Union manufacturers. The disparate treatment signaled the consequential U.S. treatment of BREXIT. It was a slap in U.K. Prime Minister Boris Johnson's face.
implying that US tariff applied to UK steel and aluminum exports, excluding EU and NI exports ("diversion of trade"), somehow deprives UK-NI human rights and "economic safeguards" thereby evincing a  "quandry" for ECJ intervention in the event BoJo invokes Article 16.
by Cat on Wed Dec 8th, 2021 at 11:59:10 PM EST
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