Welcome to European Tribune. It's gone a bit quiet around here these days, but it's still going.
Thank you for providing links showing that the travel of Ukrainian refugees to Germany is by no means restricted. I am sure, though, that everyone here was already aware of that. When I was a regular here, ET contributors were well read and disinformation was not tolerated.

After Berlin (for obvious geographical reasons) other large cities are "at their limit" = showing how bad preparations for an influx of refugees were. There are now calls to distribute the Ukrainian refugees evenly over the country in the same way as asylum claimants. This is legally impossible, because Ukrainians are a different category residence permit-wise. Asylum claimantss are not´free to choose their place of residence, but the Ukrainians are.

by Katrin on Tue Mar 15th, 2022 at 10:15:41 PM EST
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