Welcome to European Tribune. It's gone a bit quiet around here these days, but it's still going.
AFICT, this story originated with an outfit billed, Pledge Times, specifically, the Polish TV channel TVN24 source and the statement
"Last night I spoke with the German Interior Ministry, where we were asked to suspend special trains that go to Germany, because there is already a bottleneck situation there," he said in an interview with a journalist.
attributed to Deputy Interior Minister of Poland Pavel Shefernaker.

TVN24's synopsis of the interview, "Ukraine, refugees in Poland. "Deputy Minister Paweł Szefernaker: I agree with President Rafał Trzaskowski", does not include that remark, or detail, but broadly describes Szefernaker's interests in EU27 co-ordinating Ukrainians' resettlement...elsewhere. Coincidentally, DW affirms accommodation "bottlenecks", Ukrainian refugees: Can Berlin cope with the influx?, conspicuously developing around central train and bus stations.

Berlin's authorities have asked that responsibility for the incoming refugees be better shared among other German states too. They have even asked for help from the German army. A lot of Germans are also volunteering to help deal with the unfolding humanitarian catastrophe here.
Perhaps German media could corroborate or deny Interior's policy and regulation?
by Cat on Tue Mar 15th, 2022 at 10:20:45 PM EST
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