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Moin Crazy Horse,
that sounds remarkalby orderly and efficient. Here in Hamburg there are very long queues for the registration process. Emergency accomodation is overrun although new places are added every day (We have said that it must be in clace BEFORE 2015, but hey, it would cost some money). Many of the refugees are staying in private homes with relatives or strangers. Still, to access funds and medical services the registration is necessary. At present I am concerned about a lady who is staying in a private home with someone, and how is seriously ill, needing hospital care. It is out of the question to take her to the queue at the registration centre, and without that she is not entitled to free care. I am sure there are thousands of refugees with worries like that, and I am very furious about the bad preparations made for them.
by Katrin on Tue Mar 15th, 2022 at 11:11:11 PM EST
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