Welcome to European Tribune. It's gone a bit quiet around here these days, but it's still going.
It's pure populism, with the emphasis on "cost of living" : for example,
  • VAT at 0% for 100 essential items;
  • price controls;
  • zero income tax for everyone under 30;
  • retirement age 60...  
  • [laundry list of everything nice]

All to be financed by eliminating immigration, of course.

Oh and economic patriotism : relocalising the economy, reindustrialising France. Everything nice.

It could be said that her economic policy is to the left of Macron's, but it's sheer fantasy.

The principle of the RN's economic policy is to follow the money. Le Pen père financed his party for decades by fleecing rich widows and eccentric inheritors who liked his classic fascist economic policies; his electors were racists who didn't care about those policies.

Marine has turned this on its head; she concentrates on the disgruntled poor, to maximise the vote and public political financing : hence, populist economic policy; while soft-pedalling the racism which is still the exclusive motivator of her activists.

It is rightly acknowledged that people of faith have no monopoly of virtue - Queen Elizabeth II

by eurogreen on Fri Apr 22nd, 2022 at 10:29:46 AM EST
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