Welcome to European Tribune. It's gone a bit quiet around here these days, but it's still going.
euractiv | In Delhi, Von der Leyen warns of Ukraine war impact on Indo-Pacific, 26 Apr
Speaking in Delhi, Von der Leyen called out Russia and China's REVISIONIST joint statement published in February that had declared an UNRESTRAINED bilateral partnership, calling the current security situation "a defining moment".
India has so far adopted a neutral stance, walking a TIGHTROPE in its relations with the West and Russia, which is the country's largest arms supplier, also by its refusal to openly condemn President Vladimir Putin's invasion. The country has also taken up Russian offers of discounted crude oil.

Von der Leyen, however, during the speech and her whole visit to the country avoided publicly calling on India to revise its position on Russia.

Instead, speaking in presence of India's Prime Minister Narendra Modi and high-ranking Indian officials, Von der Leyen said that "for the EU, strengthening and energising its partnership with India is a priority in this upcoming decade".

euractiv | Will a Russian EU oil ban resurrect the 1970s?
"Those of a certain age may recall the oil shortage OPEC embargo of the 1970s. In response to the crisis, then-US president Jimmy Carter encouraged Americans in a series of speeches to use less energy."

euractiv | Germany revamps 1975 oil crisis law OPEC embargo in face of new energy supply threats
"As a first step, Berlin had temporarily put the German subsidiary of Russian state-owned company Gazprom under ["]government stewardship["], but continued to oppose the idea of expropriation."

freedom molecules
MSM BBC | Russia to suspend gas supplies to Poland, 26 Mar

PGNiG said Russian energy firm Gazprom had told it all gas deliveries to the country would be halted from 08:00 CET (07:00 BST).

Gazprom has justified the suspension under new rules announced last month, which mean "unfriendly" countries must pay for gas in roubles.

PGNiG has refused to do this.

by Cat on Tue Apr 26th, 2022 at 09:04:12 PM EST
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