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G20 Summit a diplomatic minefield for host Indonesia | Asia Times - Apr 1, 2022 |

JAKARTA, Indonesian President Joko Widodo is sticking to what critics complain is his naïve belief he can convince the G20 leaders to set the Ukraine war aside and focus solely on the economic issues that spawned the growth of the organization in the first place in 1999. 

Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison has said allowing Putin to take his seat at the G20 would be a "step too far" after Russia's ambassador to Jakarta Lyudmila Vorobieva revealed Putin intended to accept Widodo's formal invitation, which he made last November at the Rome summit.

Widodo's naivety extends to Indonesian politicians and even some academics who have called on him to use his position as president of the G20 to resolve the Ukrainian conflict instead of simply acting as what legislator Effendi Simbolon referred to as an "event organizer."

"Putin is not going to the G20," one former senior US State Department official told Asia Times. "It's impossible. I just can't imagine him attending. It's simply not going to happen."

'Sapere aude'
by Oui (Oui) on Tue Apr 26th, 2022 at 09:44:31 AM EST

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