Welcome to European Tribune. It's gone a bit quiet around here these days, but it's still going.
For those who can read French, this Twitter thread from Anna Colin Lebedev, professor at Paris-Nanterre university & specialist of post-Soviet societies:
  • RIA is state-controlled but is not an official communication of the Russian government.
  • Nevertheless, everything published there is "acceptable by the State", even though not "official" discourse.
  • Russian prime time national TV shows are choke full of "freaks calling for murder, genocide, nuclear war. This has been the case for years. Leaving ordinary Russians unmoved." (I've seen some sample of this: armchair warriors casually discussing annexation of the Baltics, carving out Poland and nuclear bombing of Germany. Fox News looks like a Sunday church picnic in comparison)
  • Timofei Sergueitsev doesn't have any official position (free electron), but it shows "the idea of the necessary extermination of Ukrainians is growing within Russian society." It's not impossible this discourse might be adopted by the Russian leadership at some point.
  • No official policy yet, but setting the stage.
by Bernard (bernard) on Tue Apr 5th, 2022 at 08:15:44 PM EST
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