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Poland's central bank chief warns of German designs on Polish territory
[Glapiński] warned that Berlin's designs are being pushed by Donald Tusk, the leader of Civic Platform, Poland's main opposition party, and a former Polish prime minister and president of the European Council.

"For a year it's been said that the task set by Brussels for Tusk is not only for him to overthrow Poland's existing government and put our country on course for the eurozone," Glapiński said. "Once these tasks are accomplished, Tusk is to return to Brussels, become head of the European Commission and pursue an accelerated effort to build a European state."

It's all part of a broader scheme by Berlin to exert control over the Continent, warned Glapiński, a close friend of Poland's de facto leader Jarosław Kaczyński and head of the National Bank of Poland since 2016. In an earlier interview, Glapiński said: "Tusk was sent with a plan to incorporate Poland into the German European empire." ...

archived in practice we will all be collecting brushwood, opposition politicians, About Plexit
by Cat on Thu Aug 18th, 2022 at 09:36:10 PM EST
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