Welcome to European Tribune. It's gone a bit quiet around here these days, but it's still going.
Bloomberg | Xi and Putin to Attend G-20 Summit in Indonesia, Jokowi [ID, G20 President Joko Widodo] Says, 19 Aug invitations
Putin and Jokowi discussed preparations for the G-20 summit in Bali in a phone call Thursday, the Kremlin said in a statement that didn't mention whether the Russian leader will attend. Putin's attendance could also bring him face to face with Volodymyr Zelensk* for the first time since Russia's invasion because the Ukrainian president is also ["]slated["] to be in Bali.[...]
"Indonesia wants to be friends with everyone," [Widodo] said. "We don't have problems with any country. Each country will have their own approach. Each leader has their own approach. But what's needed by Indonesia is investment, technology that will change our society."
archived Mass Rapid Transit, CAMPAIGN 2019, five containers of trash, ban on cattle exports
Sputnik | Indonesia Not Supporting US Initiative on [racketeering], Ambassador [Jose Tavares] Says
"Indonesia will never support initiatives that are not in line with its own national interests. Indonesia has always conducted active free foreign policy that is only in line with its national interests," the diplomat said.
Reuters | UK PM candidate Sunak: Russia's Putin should be barred from G20
Truss's campaign, asked for her position,referred to comments she made in July when she said it would be important to confront Putin in front of allies like India and Indonesia. "I would go there, and I would call Putin out," she told a televised debate on July 25.
UK and Indonesia announce new Joint Economic and Trade Committee, Apr 2021
Netherlands Becomes Indonesia's Third-Largest Investment Partner in Q2, July 2021
by Cat on Fri Aug 19th, 2022 at 03:25:33 PM EST
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