Welcome to European Tribune. It's gone a bit quiet around here these days, but it's still going.
MENAFN | [FM Zbigniew Rau]: optional use of euro, 23 Aug
The foreign minister declared that "the equality of member states requires the restoration of equal opportunities for their development, which, in turn, should lead to the reform of the Eurozone. The radicalism of this reform cannot a priori exclude any solutions, such as ... a temporary or permanent return of some of the Eurozone member countries to national currencies."

Jaroslaw Kaczynski, the leader of Poland's current Law and Justice Party, has repeatedly claimed that adopting the euro would cause the nation's citizens to become drastically poorer

MSG* Rzeczpospolita | "Freedom and equality of nations are the only defense against the Threat of imperialism", 22 Aug

parity watch
PLN:USD, 1:0.20
PLN:EUR, 1:0:20
PLN:UAH, 1:7.70
EUR:UAH, 1:36.75
USD:UAH, 1:36.86

* monosodium glutamate

by Cat on Tue Aug 23rd, 2022 at 09:41:58 PM EST
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